Today, we had a beach party for Dylan's last day of preschool! (He of course, will be back next year, but this year is done.) We all went to one of his teachers, Miss Jana's house. It was finally warm enough for us to be outside, but not quite warm enough for swimming in the pool. So they were able to wade and that was it. But they had several stations they got to do (making crafts), and then we had pizza and drinks. Jana led them in games (red rover, etc.). A stray dog showed up and hung out with us for the morning. The kids all got their hair sprayed crazy colors, so the dog got some too! They ended the party by shooting eachother with potato guns! They had so much fun and I got to stay and help out -which was a blast!
I also got to help out at one of his regular class days last week. I didn't get any pictures, but it was so much fun! And oh what they get accomplished in 2 hours! They are constantly moving those little bodies from one station to another, practicing writing their names and the letter of the day, doing a craft, singing songs and reading stories, having snacks! It was alot of fun and Dylan thought it was fun that his mom was there. They wrote letters that day (to anyone the wanted) and we helped them "fill in the blanks" on the letter. It read something like, "Dear so and so, Miss Joan is ______, and Miss Jana acts like a ______. _______ is my best friend because ______." The answers they got were hilarious -anywhere from Miss Joan being old and Miss Jana acting like a monkey, to them being nice or funny. The kids' favorite word was "dork" because Miss Jana used that as an example, so they got that one alot! Dylan of course wrote his letter to Seth and Seth wrote his to Dylan!