One rainy day, Dylan found a way to keep dry... by putting a bucket on his head. He wandered around the backyard and even rode his trike without being able to see.

Ever since Dylan was a baby, basically, he loves to get his picture taken. He will ask me to take pictures of him often and this day, he had a small owie on his ankle that he wanted me to take a picture of.

Dylan posing again - with his buddy, Kramer. Kramer puts up with just about anything and because he is so big and heavy, Dylan is unable to carry him. But he has found that if he just rolls him, he can get him to where he wants.

Dylan and his prized possessions, worms! His favorite thing is to dig for worms in the backyard. He has saved tons of them for Eddy and his fishing bucket. His other favorites are rolly-polly's.
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