Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Turtle Class!

Dylan and I went to our local zoo for a class on tortoises today. It was fun - we first went to the classroom where the kids made turtles out of paper plates. Dylan glued and colored on his turtle's shell. Then the teacher read a story about turtles. After that, we went to see real turtles. We met a small pancake turtle and a larger tortoise as well. The kids attempted to feed him carrots, and he wasn't overly interested. But the turtles wandered around and the kids got to pet their backs and feet.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008!

On Christmas Eve morning, Dylan and I went to Pocatello to spend the day with Grandma and Alyssa. It was the one day that the weather wasn't going to be horrible. Dylan had fun opening his presents. The big hit was the tent Mom got him! Also, he loved clothes this year and insisted on wearing them immediately. He put on 2 pairs of jammies Alyssa got him and wore them all day. Alyssa made smokies and bread and Mom made several munchies, so we ate all day it seemed. Here are some pictures of our visit . . .

Eddy was supposed to work on Christmas Day, but we had a huge snowstorm the night before and the buses going to the site shut down. So he ended up getting the day off! Dylan had fun opening his presents, but was mainly interested in the candy. The big hit at our house were his toy guns! Here are some pics . . .

The day after Christmas, Papa Dan came to visit. He brought awesome presents too - so Dylan probably thinks that Christmas is a weeklong event! Here's a picture of Dan and Dylan.

Bergen (aka Agility Champ)

This is just a little tribute to my nephew, Bergen. This is a very cute picture I took of him on Christmas. He and Alyssa have been doing agility for quite awhile now and he has done really well at the shows they've done this past year.

Like Father, Like Son

Dylan idolizes his Daddy - and has picked up his computer habit already!! Also, here are some pictures of everyone playing with Dylan's first Christmas present (which we opened a little early). It's a helmet/motorcyle handles that he can pretend he is a police officer.

Making Cookies

Dylan and I made Christmas cookies together. Dylan had fun decorating them and eating the candy decorations! He made quite a mess, so into the bath he went. He ended up pulling about 4 rolls of toilet paper into the tub with him. So I got him out and was trying to pick out the little particles so the tub would drain. In the meantime - Dylan is getting into everything. So I end up locking him in his room while I finish. When I went to get him out, he had found the baby vaseline in his dresser drawer - he had handfuls of vaseline all over his face and body and the dresser. So he got back into the tub and then went to bed early! (for his Mommy's sanity) Here are some pics of us making cookies. I was not in the mood to take pictures of the latter part of the evening.

Dylan helping do the dishes, then climbing in himself!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Everything Christmas

Just a funny story about me putting Dylan to bed tonite. I told him tomorrow we could make cookies and his reply is, "Christmas cookies?" and so I say yes. Then I tell him we will also go to the library to get new books and his reply is, "Christmas books?" so I say yes. Then, to stall the bedtime process, he starts saying, "Oh, I -ba - dea!" After awhile, I figure out he is saying, "Oh, I have an idea". So then we go thru the whole process of he has an idea to make Christmas cookies, and books, etc. Then he finally says, "Oh I-ba-dea" and so I ask what. "Ummm" "ummm" - he's trying to come up with something! He knows if he can't, then it's time for sleep! ha!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tagged - 12 Days of Christmas


"On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."

1 sister -my best friend.

2 year old little boy -my sweetie.

3 pets - who are part of the family.

4 years we've lived in Idaho (and I haven't had to work!!)

5 things i buy regularly - milk, tp, juice, cookies, bread.

6 times a week I talk to my Mom.(atleast)

7 things I love about Christmas: remembering Jesus' birth, decorations, food, gifts, christmas smells, my nativity set, time with family.

8 Years of Marriage to the love of my life.

9 Things I do a lot: Change diapers. Dishes. Scrapbook. Read. Play on the computer. Hang out with other moms. watch tv. cook. bible studies.

10 times a day I think "I should be doing . . ." but still don't do it.

11 things I say to my kid - get down, hurry up, get down, stay in your bed, i love you, go play with daddy!, get down off the counter, We pet kitties nice, don't touch, did I mention "get down?", you're a sweet boy.

12 hours of labor with Dylan. (actually closer to 13, but good enough)

I now tag Jessica!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Everyday Displays

Here are pictures of my latest displays. These are so fun to decorate! One i do each month and put a calendar on it and the other one I do each season.

Christmas Tree!!

Dylan was very excited to put up our Christmas tree! We are hoping he will learn that we just look at the tree and don't touch. So far - he's not getting it!

Wild Man

Here is a taste of what our average day looks like!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Naughty Corner

So we have started implementing the naughty corner at our house. Many of you have seen it on Super Nanny. So I put Dylan in the corner for hitting me yesterday -and at first he cried and threw a fit, but actually it didn't take long for him to actually stay there. A few hours later, he did something else and I asked him if he wanted to go to the naughty corner -thinking this would stop the behavior. He actually acted like he was excited to get to go to the naughty corner. Then last night, Alyssa and I actually caught him standing in the naughty corner on his own. Great - so today we tried it again, and he just laughs and tries to sneak out every time I turn my back. Your supposed to just keep putting them back in, but I really think he is having way too much fun with it. But one good thing was after he did the corner today, I asked him if he remembered why he was in the naughty corner - and he said he had pulled the cat's tail. So he knows he is doing something wrong. Guess we'll just keep trying it for awhile.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So have you all heard of this? Apparantly scientists have discovered something called laminin = a molecular structure that "holds together" cells. The amazing thing is that it is cross-shaped. Google it and you can find a picture of this and read more. What a great reminder of Colossions 1:15-17 - "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him, all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." (emphasis mine) And it never ceases to amaze me that there are so many sites out there trying to diminish this "christian idea". Us crazy christians! ha! No matter how blatant the sign is from God, some people just won't see it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well, Dylan had a fun Halloween! His Grampa & Gramma Jones got him on Thursday and took him to a local business to trick-or-treat. They brought him home with chocolate all over his face and hands! His Aunt Brooke went in her costume too! Then on Halloween, his cousin Kolby was here, so they got to go to the mall and trick-or-treat with his Aunt Lisa, Uncle Kelly and Papa Dan!! He had fun saying trick-or-treat to all the people! The hat to his costume didn't stay on too long.

Uncle Kelly, Aunt Lisa and Cousin Kolby!

Dylan with Daddy and Papa Dan!

Dylan and Kolby driving the motorcycle!!

Dylan on the run!

Dylan smiling pretty!

Trick or Treat!

Grampa Jones & Dylan!

Auntie Brooke & Dylan!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dylan has a friend over!

Last night, Dylan's friend -Preston, came over for a couple hours. They had fun playing -although Dylan was pretty much a brat. He took away Preston's toys and said "mine" and then would go and tell him, "sorry, presson, sorry " and give him a kiss. Preston did well other than being afraid of my cats. This is a picture of them having a snack and watching a movie.

New Bedroom Decor

Wow - my life is so exciting - I'm actually blogging about my new bedspread. But here it is and a quilt I made to match. (the ugliest one I've ever made). I had to buy a new mattress pad and sheets to fit our new mattress and then the thinking follows of: well . . . since I'm getting new sheets, maybe I should get a new bedspread to match. hee hee

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Fun

Eddy and I snuck away for a night this past weekend. Dylan got to stay the night at Grandma's for the first time! They had lots of fun and Grandma was tired when it was over, ha! Eddy and I went to see "appaloosa", then out to eat a steak dinner. Afterwards, we checked into the Black Swan (a theme hotel in Pocatello). We stayed in the Atlantis room. It was fun - the room was decorated like we were underwater. There was a hot tub and a kitchen and a small balcony. Also, we had 3 fish tanks with real fish in them. It was a nice place and we hadn't gotten away by ourselves for a few years! So it was fun. Here are a few pictures . . .

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One-Word Answers

I have to give one word answers to the questions below. Then "nominate" seven lucky people at the end of this to do the same..........but since I don't have 7 people I know who blog, I will only have a couple!

The questions are as follows:
1. Where is your cell phone? counter
2. Where is your significant other? computer
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? bestfriend
5. Your father? kind
6. Your favorite thing? hobbies
7. Your dream last night?none
8. Your dream/goal? peace
9. The room you're in? kitchen
10. Your hobby? scrapping
11. Your fear? Loss (of a family member)
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? stronger
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you're not? patient
15. One of your wish-list items? healing
16. Where you grew up? Evanston
17. The last thing you did? tv
18. What are you wearing? greenshirt
19. Your TV? cartoons
20. Your pet? neglected
21. Your computer? addictive
22. Your mood? so-so
23. Missing someone? family
24. Your car? camry
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? walmart
27. Your summer? fast
28. Love someone? yes
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today

1. Charity

Monday, October 13, 2008

About Dylan

Tagged by Jessica

Name and Meaning: Dylan Paul (don't know what Dylan means -we just both liked it. Paul is my dad's middle name and I think Ed has some family with it also. And of course, I liked it because of the Apostle Paul.)
Age: almost 26 months
Nicknames: bugaboo or bug
Favorite Activities: Eating, teasing Josey, climbing everything. Loves to swing and play outside. And of course, riding "the tractor" (ed's lawnmower).
Favorite Foods: He definitely has my sweet tooth, but also likes chips and slim jims like his dad. But of course, his 2 favorites are still Pepsi and Gum!
Least Favorite Foods: He won't eat alot of meats, no milk.
Favorite Music: He listens to some CD's when he goes to bed (like kids' music) but he also likes my piano playing and any music that he can "dance" to. He actually just runs in circles but calls it dancing. Once in awhile he'll throw in a skip or a hop. Too funny!
Favorite Toy: Well he likes a stuffed frog Alyssa got him and carries him around alot. Other than that, he doesn't have any favorites.
Favorite Items of Clothing: He doesn't really care at this point.
What Makes Him Happy: Playing with friends, BSF, going to see Grandma and Alyssa, riding in the shopping cart.
Funny Words or Phrases: Lately, anything he likes is "awesome". And some things are "stupid" or "sucks". And of course, the whole "kick ass" thing -which is becoming less funny each day. Last night we laughed when Ed went downstairs to get ready for work, he said he was going to take a shower and Dylan started waving and said "bye daddy, have fun shower".

I tag Charity -

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Well, you might be wondering what's new, since I haven't been posting much lately. We've all had colds but are finally getting over the worst. The big excitement last week, was when Dylan learned to climb the kitchen cupboards and got into the medicine cabinet. He drank 1/2 a bottle of children's advil! lovely - I called poison control and luckily he hadn't drank enough to be toxic. He was fine - just a little hyper! He's been saying alot of funny and not so funny things lately. Eddy loves the cartoon "Family Guy" - which I think is probably the stupidest show on t.v. - so Dylan has now learned when he's around Eddy to say "Family guy awesome! Yeah!" and when he's around me, he says , "Family guy stupid." Also, one of the not-so-funny sayings is when I'm trying to discipline and he points his finger and tells me, "No, kick a ass!" Translation: No, I'll kick your ass. We've also had alot of hornets (well atleast before it snowed) and Dylan calls them "cornets". So we will be outside playing and before coming in, he says "bye cornets". Here are some pics I tried to take of Dylan posing with our pumpkins.

slide show