Well, you might be wondering what's new, since I haven't been posting much lately. We've all had colds but are finally getting over the worst. The big excitement last week, was when Dylan learned to climb the kitchen cupboards and got into the medicine cabinet. He drank 1/2 a bottle of children's advil! lovely - I called poison control and luckily he hadn't drank enough to be toxic. He was fine - just a little hyper! He's been saying alot of funny and not so funny things lately. Eddy loves the cartoon "Family Guy" - which I think is probably the stupidest show on t.v. - so Dylan has now learned when he's around Eddy to say "Family guy awesome! Yeah!" and when he's around me, he says , "Family guy stupid." Also, one of the not-so-funny sayings is when I'm trying to discipline and he points his finger and tells me, "No, kick a ass!" Translation: No, I'll kick your ass. We've also had alot of hornets (well atleast before it snowed) and Dylan calls them "cornets". So we will be outside playing and before coming in, he says "bye cornets". Here are some pics I tried to take of Dylan posing with our pumpkins.
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3 years ago
1 comment:
He is just too cute! I can't believe he did that with the advil! That would have totally freaked me out-thank goodness he hadn't had enough of it to do anything!
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