Today was a sad day for our family. Our Kramer cat had to be put down because he started pottying all over the house. I tried everything to fix the problem, but to no avail. The vet said he probably was diabetic, but even if we were to give him insulin (which is expensive), he was in such a bad habit at this point that he probably still wouldn't stop. Eddy took him to the vet and stayed with him. We buried him in our backyard under our plum tree. I explained to Dylan that Kramer was sick and that he had to go live with Jesus in heaven now. I told him we wouldn't be able to see Kramer anymore, but that he was happy there and he gets to eat all the cat treats and milk he wants. He said he was sad that he wouldn't be able to pet him anymore, but I assured him that Jesus would be loving on him alot. And he seemed fine with it. I'm sure his mind can't understand fully.
I still remember when Eddy and I got Kramer -over 12 years ago. Jessica's mom had a litter of barn cats so we went out to pick out 2 of them. Kramer was a sweetie from the beginning- Grace was already spooky and we had to actually cut Susan's fence to get to her. After we brought him home, I remember Eddy sitting on the couch with them and Kramer started screaming like crazy and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. He had to potty - and couldn't get down off the couch. Hard to believe he was that tiny - since he was so huge as an adult! (I think he was around 18lbs)
I will always remember how friendly he was for being a cat - he greeted everyone that came over just like a dog would. He loved to get loved on by anyone. He was very vocal and talked alot to everyone too. His favorite spot was sitting next to my laptop where it was nice and warm. He liked to play outside a little too. Since he was a barn cat - he was a little inbred and ended up having 9 toes on each of his front feet - almost 2 feet! Also, he had a "floater rib" -an extra rib that wasn't attached to his ribcage. Weird huh? His big feet were part of what made him adorable to us.
Kramer - you were a special part of our family - one of the first members! And we love you always!
1 comment:
Oh how sad :( I'm sorry...I know how much you loved him. I'm sure it will be hard to get used to him not being around :(
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