A couple weeks ago, Dylan had circus day at preschool (to help them learn the letter "c"). They all came out with faces painted and hair sprayed different colors. I guess he didn't want his face painted, but they painted a cute decoration on his hand instead. He immediately wanted it washed off when we got home.
Another funny preschool adventure - I went to pick him up last week and when I was walking up to the door, one of the teachers came walking out and says, " we can't find him, he was here a minute ago and now he's gone." So I went in and the other teacher was heading upstairs to look if he had snuck up there. She told me to walk around and call his name in case he was hiding. I didn't see him anywhere. She ended up heading out to look outside - even though she said she was sure he hadn't gotten out the front door. So by now, I'm starting to feel quite panicked and finally one of the little girls says, "there he is" - and pointed under one of the little tables. He was hiding under there, just grinning from ear to ear. I had him dressed in "camo" that day, so maybe that's why no one saw him, ha! The teachers were both just sick over it and I lectured him the whole way home about not doing that again. Quite the adventure.