Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dylan's funny sayings

Yesterday, after getting groceries, we are in line at the checkout. Dylan picks out some whoppers and I told him he could have them. He then went up to the cashier and asks, "Um, Excuse me, are these yummy?" Her reply was, "Well, I like them" and then she looked at me and said, "well, that was a new one." ha!

Also, in the car last week we were talking about grandpa's and so I was trying to explain to Dylan how someone becomes a grandpa and how when he has a baby, then his dad will be a grandpa. He said, "well, I don't want to have a baby." And so i asked him why and his reply: "well, what if I was giving him a piggy back ride and he puked in my hair?". Where does he come up with this stuff?


jessica said...

hahaha! Too funny! Don't you just love the stuff they come up with? Just read your comment on my blog...haha! I was imagining Lars carrying you along with Gunnar all through the cave!

James and Charity said...

Too funny! It's a good thing God gives toddlers funny things to say because we moms need a lot of laughs. Thanks for sharing!


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