Saturday, April 9, 2011

Special Person

Once each year, every child in Dylan's preschool class is picked to be the "special person". That week, he gets to bring treats for everyone to eat - which was very exciting for Dylan. He picked some gummy scooby doo treats and some cookies. Then he puts together a paper bag of things about himself that he shares with his class. (ex.: things he likes to do, things he hates, his favorite thing to play with, etc.) and also he brings in photos of his family to show everyone. On the day I visited, Miss Jana painted all the kids' arms (she's a very talented artist). When it came time for "special person" time, Dylan stood on a chair while they went thru his items in his bag. Then he explained all the pictures. Then, the funniest and cutest thing - they all sang the "special person" song while Miss Jana tickeled him with a huge feather! It was so cute and he was super excited!

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